Competitive labour costs with stable industrial relations
Antigua and Barbuda has transparent , well-balanced and comprehensive industrial relations legislation. One such is the Labour Code, which imposes minimum conditions on the conduct of industrial relations and establishes a system for compulsory recognition of Trade Unions by employers. The current single Minimum Wage is EC$8.20 (US$ 3.04) per hour. A total of 8 hours constitute a standard workday.

A skilled workforce that can meet the needs of any investor in the Yachting and Marine Sector
- The Education Act of 2008 makes it compulsory for every school aged child to attend School until the age of 16 thus providing a minimum standard of education for all school-aged residents and facilitating Antigua & Barbuda’s attainment of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal of Universal Access to primary and secondary education.
- The Antigua and Barbuda Institute of continuing Education, the Antigua and Barbuda Institute of Technology and the Antigua State College all offer courses relevant to the Yachting and Marine Sector.
- Specific skills currently utilized and nurtured in the Yachting and Marine Services sector include: sanding, washing, painting, vanishing, fibreglass repairs, carpentry, welding and metal fabrication, air conditioning and refrigeration, mechanical and electrical engineering, electronics, carpet cleaning and upholstery, underwater/diving services and rigging.
- The Antigua & Barbuda Marine Association (ABMA) boasts a membership of 150 professionals whose exportable skills are in high demand internationally and who guarantee quality services, consistent standards and security for the vessels on which they provide their services while in Antigua.